Cheddar Cups with Avocado Feta Mousse

This weekend, I thought my house was blowing up. Legitimately. Somehow, a transformer exploded across the street from us and the explosion occurred just as I was turning off a light in my house. I heard a huge boom, saw super bright colorful flashes of light, and felt the house shake. “OMG did I blow up our house?!?!” I frantically yelled to Chris as I tried to determine the quickest way out. But when we opened the door, we realized it happened across the street and there was a small fire on the electric wires and another on the ground. We called 911, waited for the firetruck to arrive and thanked our lucky stars that not only was our house not blowing up, but our electricity wasn’t even out. 

Cheddar Cups with Avocado Feta Mousse

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